<3: desenhos animados, livros, matte, sol + chuva, animais, velas, música e filmes!!
</3: fazer conta, ser subestimada, pessoas rudes sem motivo, dias nublados.

byf sou maior de idade, às vezes posto fancam e não costumo usar indicador de tom ou tw/cw, mas se vc pedir eu começo a usar sem problemas!!
dfi -14 (a não ser q já sejamos mutuals) critérios básicos de dfi (homofóbico, xenófobo, racista, etc) e se não for interagir cmg :(
pls tw: maus tratos aos animais !!
conta pessoal ; midia ; letterboxd ; daily emira ; bubbline
desenhos, séries e etc!
adventure time, the owl house, avatar: the last airbender, the legend of korra, amphibia, euphoria, genera+ion (hbo please renew it!!), she-ra, over the garden wall, sense8, dexter, high fidelity, the good place, a series of unfortunate events, harry potter, mulholland drive, fear street.
zoë kravitz, anya taylor-joy, phoebe bridgers, taylor swift, lorde, hunter schafer, ashnikko, gracie abrams, chase sui wonders.
currently watching |
gossip girl (2007), summer camp island, you, game of thrones and dexter! |
comfort characters: korra, sokka, katara, finn mertens, marceline abadeer, adora, emira blight, riley luo, jules vaughn, wirt, hedgehog, dipper pines, anne boonchuy, debra and dexter morgan.
about me <3
she/her, luiza, bisexual, 01/08, 19 yrs old, rio de janeiro, leo, pt-br/en, hufflepuff.
other accs: personal acc ; midia ; letterboxd ; daily emira ; bubbline
<3: cartoons, books, matte, sun + rain, animals, candles, music and movies!!
</3: math, being underestimated, people who are rude for no reason, cloudy days.
byf i’m not a minor, english is not my first language (and most of my tweets are in portuguese) sometimes i post fancams and i don’t usually use tone indicators or tw/cw, but if you ask to, i’ll start using it no problem!!
dfi -14 (unless we’re already mutuals) basic criteria of dfi (homophobic, xenophobic, racist, etc) and if you’re not going to interact w me :(
pls tw: violence against animals !!
cartoons, tv shows & etc!
adventure time, the owl house, avatar: the last airbender, the legend of korra, amphibia, euphoria, genera+ion (hbo please renew it!!), she-ra, over the garden wall, sense8, dexter, high fidelity, the good place, a series of unfortunate events, harry potter, mulholland drive, fear street.
zoë kravitz, anya taylor-joy, phoebe bridgers, taylor swift, lorde, hunter schafer, ashnikko, gracie abrams, chase sui wonders.
currently watching |
gossip girl (2007), summer camp island, you, game of thrones and dexter! |
comfort characters: korra, sokka, katara, finn mertens, marceline abadeer, adora, emira blight, riley luo, jules vaughn, wirt, hedgehog, dipper pines, anne boonchuy, debra and dexter morgan.